The Visual Builder is composed of 4 sections:

Explore your sites, pages, layers, files, and settings.

Build & Interact Modes

In the Component Toolbar you’ll notice two options that dictate how you will engage with the elements on your Canvas; Build mode and Interact mode.


Build mode allows you to drag and drop components onto the canvas to become elements. Once on the canvas, stay in Build mode to drag your elements around, as well as select elements to edit their properties. The majority of your creation sessions will happen in Build mode.


Interact mode renders the canvas similarly to how your components will react on your live domain. You can use Interact mode to engage with any interactive element (e.g. buttons, links, etc.) to see its behavior without utilizing Publishing or Preview links and leaving the Makeswift Visual Builder. You may also need to use Interaction mode to expose an editable section of an element, like an accordion for instance.

Layers Panel

The Layers Panel allows users to easily view and select individual components from your page. Nested components will be displayed in a hierarchical structure, making it easy to understand the page structure and relationship between components.


Makeswift’s multiplayer facilitates real-time collaboration for you and your team. You can see who is editing a page in real time right in the canvas.


If you have any questions about Makeswift or need to access our docs from the builder, click the “?” at the bottom of the navigation.